Silver Shoes For Wedding Day Preparation

I decided to stay away from the traditional all-white ensemble and chose to wear silver shoes for wedding. My big day is next month and because my wedding planner already took care most of the preparations, all I have to worry about is preparing myself. Getting nervous is one thing that I need to overcome as of the moment and just like the usual soon-to-be bride, I want everything to be perfect. One of the things I learned from all the tips that my married friends told me is that the footwear that we put on is as important as our dress. Because we will be on our heels all throughout the day, we need to get used to wearing it. It felt like we have to make a connection with our shoes similar to a rider preparing his horse for a race. With this, I found some tips on how to prepare us (brides-to-be and our shoes) on the most memorable day of our lives.

Break Them In

A few weeks before my big day, I should be ready to walk in my silver shoes for wedding. Low heel is not an exception. We need to make sure that our heels will not hurt our feet. We should take the time to put them on and walk around for a few minutes. This will help loosen up our shoes a bit. Be sure to do it inside the house. Not outside because we do not want it to look too worn out on our wedding day. As the weeks progresses, try to increase the number of times of our walks until we are sure that we will be able to stand and walk in them for four hours or more.

Option To Bring Extra

If we are wearing heels during the wedding ceremony, we might think of changing into a more comfortable shoe during our reception. It is a good idea since we normally need to move around and attend to our guests. Shoes that have thicker heels will do a great job or in my case, I decided to bring silver wedge shoes for wedding. It depends on our level of comfort, the venue, and the dress that we are wearing.

Floor Surfaces

It is also important to look at the floor surfaces of our wedding ceremony and reception venues. Some surfaces may be carpeted or it may have slick floor tiles. This may cause us to trip or to slip when we are walking down the aisle, or while dancing. If this is the case, we have the option to place self-adhesive sole pads on the bottoms of our wedding shoes. However, if sole pads are not available, we can also choose a cheap alternative by rubbing the soles of our shoes with sandpaper to add texture on them and prevent us from slipping.

Prepare Instant Cleaning Materials

Although this may rarely happen, sometimes we cannot avoid getting our shoes dirty especially if we are having our wedding outdoors. We might have something dropped on top of our shoe or we could step on a gum. This may cause discomfort especially if we are wearing white or silver dress shoes for wedding. Look for a suitable instant cleaning material for your shoes. Wet wipes can help remove stain easily and a substance called Goo Gone can help get rid of sticky objects like gum.