The best and legal way to travel with your vaping equipment is by utilizing a vaporizer that can be easily packed. You can purchase one of these devices in any drug store or vape shop. They are compact enough so that you can fit them into an overhead compartment or under the seat.
Vaporizers are battery powered and most are rechargeable. If you’re using it outside of your home and there isn’t a plug nearby, make sure you have some sort of charging cable handy. You can find them at many online retailers like or The chargers usually come in packs of three so you will need two of them.
Most vape carts include a built-in charger. However, if yours doesn’t then you will need a separate USB charger. These can also be purchased on Amazon or
Regardless of which type of vape cart you choose, they all provide similar functionality. It allows you to enjoy the benefits of e-juice while traveling. Here are some tips to help you pack your vape cart.
1. Pack Your Vaporizer
Place the batteries inside of the device where they won’t accidentally get knocked out. A quick knock could set off the alarms or cause the battery to leak. A better place to put the batteries is inside of the case itself. This prevents accidental knocks too.
Make sure you pack the heating chamber. Some machines have removable heating chambers that can be removed and placed in another container for easy storage when not in use. Make sure you label it as “vape cartridge” or something similar so no one thinks you’re smuggling drugs.
If your machine has a tank attached, don’t forget to pack that in the luggage too. Most tanks are quite small but they can become heavy. You definitely want to avoid losing any of your juice because you will be without nicotine for weeks.
Be sure to pack extra coils (for those who use them) or atomizers. You may need to replace some parts if you don’t have them with you.
2. Pack Your E-Juice
You should always keep some cartridges on hand in case you get shorted on supplies. That said, you certainly don’t want to take up too much room and end up having to buy more.
Some people prefer to carry vape juice in squeeze bottles instead of packing the cartridges. Again, this depends on how big your machine is, but most vape carts can hold about 2 ml of liquid. If you think you might run out, pack extra.
Suppose if you are travelling and you have cbd vape pen cartridge in your pocket or bag. So the very first thing which you have to do is do not get panic just be calm and deal with the situation very nicely. As you have to keep your mind calm and for you we are sharing some value able tips.
3. Know Where to Buy E-Liquid
If you aren’t going to be near a retail establishment that sells vape juice, you will need to stock up before you leave home. Many grocery stores now sell CBD products, making it even easier to get your vape juice fix.
One great website to check out for CBD vape juice includes VapeXpression. It offers a wide selection of flavors, including ones designed specifically for women. Another good option is Vapetabs. They offer a vast inventory of different kinds of liquids, including CBD e-liquid. Both sites are extremely user-friendly and their prices are competitively priced.
4. Pack Your Cartridge Case
It is important to pack your vape cartridge case so that it does not slide around in your bag. To do this, you can either wrap it in bubble wrap or place it in a plastic bag. Either way, just make sure it stays in its designated spot. When you arrive at your destination, you will need to remove the case from the luggage and then open it to access the contents. This takes time.
Another option is to purchase one of those cases that have multiple compartments. Each section contains one or two cartridges. You simply pull out whatever slot you want and fill it with your e-liquid. Then you reinsert the bottom piece and close it back up until you reach your destination.
5. Pack Your Charger
This step is critical! Remember to pack both the charger cord and the wall adapter you bought at the same time. You don’t want to lose track of either and end up being stuck with only one.
6. Bring Extra Coils
If you use coils, you will need to bring extra ones with you. Just like with e-juice, you don’t want to run out. So make sure you pack extras in your luggage.
7. Pack Other Necessary Items
There are several other things you should consider bringing with you. First, you certainly want to make sure you have some snacks and food available. If you are going to be away for long periods of time, you will want to plan ahead and make sure you have some food and drinks ready. In addition, it is essential to pack clothing that can withstand the elements.
As we mentioned earlier, you may want to consider purchasing an air mattress. This will allow you to sleep comfortably without worrying about the temperature. It’s also convenient as you can move it anywhere in the hotel room. If you are staying in a hostel, you might want to get one of these instead of bringing your own sleeping bag.
8. Pack Your Luggage Properly
When you go through airport security, you want to make sure there are no issues. In particular, you must pack your vape cart in a way that makes it very difficult to tamper with or damage. There are special ways to do this that involve zipping the top of the case closed and wrapping it in bubble wrap. This makes it impossible for anyone to remove the cartridge without damaging it first.